Hi friends,
Icy chill has graduated to mere wind and rain, which means it's probably spring, which means it's time for spring cleaning.
Starting a couple weeks ago, I paused making big new features in favor of fixing bugs and polishing details. There's lots of ambitious new interactions to come in the farther future – but holistically speaking, Kinopio is a feature-packed tool with everything you need for working through ideas in creative and expressive ways.
We've got the community fabric, it's tightly knit and full of good feels. The technical foundation is solid and reliable. All that's left is to stitch all the pieces together.

What's New
- Card URLs Hidden by Default. When you paste into cards, URLs are now be hidden by default so that just the preview info displays
- Search All Spaces. Forgot which space you put an idea in? Search all spaces for your cards
- Transparent Color Slider. More creative controls to get your cards looking just right
- ♥ Notifications. Redesigned notifications will let you know when someone likes your spaces and follows you
- Also, in case you missed it, we've started holding office hours in the Community Discord, every Tuesday at 12pm EST. Everyone's invited and I hope you can join us
Because of the focus on polish and fixes, I thought you might be interested in details. It's a lot though, so feel free to skip it.
- Increased the window size of the Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browser extensions for easier text entry
- Simplified the export and import dialogs for downloading space JSON files
- Reduced the amount of list re-shuffling that happens on your spaces list after it's loaded, to prevent misclicks
- Increased the speed of creating a new journal space when weather is active
- Increased the speed of opening your spaces list (especially noticeable on mobile and if you have a lot of spaces)
- Clearer UI for adding background tint color
- For improved performance while dragging items, connection line animations and video playback pauses
- Fixed a bug that was causing cards to render thin and narrow
- Fixed a bug that would reset the size of image cards when you tried to lock them
- Enter and shift-enter now correctly create new cards/child-cards even in cards created by dragging from a connector
- Long space names no longer push right side header buttons offscreen on mobile
- When you pinch zoom out and then click a user in header, it's now always visible
- After dragging a card by it's link button, the link will no longer open
- Paint selecting cards and clicking Style → Box now adds the surrounding box in the right position. As a bonus, this feature now supports surrounding both cards and boxes with a new box
- Fixed an issue where some cards couldn't be paint selected
- Fixed an issue where dark mode would incorrectly toggle on/off if system theme detection was enabled